Grades Change

VERY IMPORTANT In this text, we are going to explain you how our service works. Read it carefully, ask your doubts if you have any or if you don't understand a specific spot, and DO NOT place an order without have read, understood and agreed the Rules and Procedures at all.
We are serious people and we demand the same from our potential clients.


1 .- Our service price is 600 DOLLARS (USD).
a. The price allow to change up to 5 grades. If you want to change more, it has a cost of 10 dollars per extra grade.
b. The price is per student. If you want to order the service for 2 or more students, you will gain a discount of 10%.

2 .- If you order our service for more than one student, you must pay all at once. If you want to pay individually, then place your order in this same way, and you can't apply for discount above.

3 .- Our service is limited to change any grade that you already have done. If you want to add a grade that you have never done, or delete someone that you have done, has an extra price and you must  contact us and ask for it.

4 .- Payment must be sent through Bitcoin or Ethereum.
- There is no other payment method. Please understand and don't insist.

5 .- We will delay from 8 to 16 hours to get access into the system, depending of the queued orders before yours.
a. There is available an Express Service with an extra cost of 50 dollars. It will grant you priority over other orders and reduce the waiting time to the half.

6 .- Effectiveness is 100%. There is no option to fail. We can also guarantee a totally secure and discreet service. We will not leave any trace.
a. Although our service is secure, you must be cautious. Don't expect to be the best student with our service, just change the grades you really need, no more.

7 .- We accept intermediaries. It means that if you want to be an intermediary between us and another person, it is possible; however, you must understand that our treat is with you, and even if you are just an intermediary, you are the only responsible to fulfill all Rules and Procedures, and to pay for our service.
If you don't want to be absolutely responsible, just don't accept to be intermediary.

8 .- Once you place an order, we don't accept any modification or cancellation. If you are not sure about our service, DO NOT order anything yet.

9 .- Our Rules and Procedures are not flexible If you want to place an order with us, you must accept all without modify, add, or remove anything.
a. Remember that you are not committed with us yet, but if you place an order, we will have a contract, and you must fulfill it mandatorily.
b. Not to read or misunderstand the rules is not justification for not fulfill them.


By sending a message to our email address which is: [email protected] and telling us you have read the Rules and Procedures through our website and also sending all the following required information:

  • The address (URL) from which you access to your grades online.
  • Your username and password, or any other information to access to your student area and see your grades.
  • Tell us what are the grades you want to change, what is the current score and what is your desired score.
  • Explain us how the grading system works in your country. For example: “in my country, score goes from 1 to 15, and I need at least 10 to approve”.