Facebook Hacking

VERY IMPORTANT In this text, we are going to explain you how our service works. Read it carefully, ask your doubts if you have any or if you don't understand a specific spot, and DO NOT place an order without have read, understood and agreed the Rules and Procedures at all.
We are serious people and we demand the same from our potential clients.


1 .- Requirement: To get a Facebook password you must know what is the email address which is associated to the desired Facebook account.
a. When we say the associated email address, we don't mean the @facebook address which is automatically generated with all Facebook accounts. We mean the email address used to register the account.
b. If you know about an email address but you are not sure if it is associated to the Facebook account or not, you can check it by doing click here.
a. If you don't know what is the email address and there is no way to find it out, in this case the price will be $ 400, since this it will be a more complex and expensive service.

2 .- Safety: We will get both passwords: from the Facebook account and from its associated email address. So our service includes 2 passwords.
You may not be interested on the associated email address password, maybe you only want the Facebook password, but you need it mandatorily, because Facebook has a safety technique for devices recognition.
A device is a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc… which is used to logging in to a Facebook account. When a new device is detected, a device never used before, Facebook will send a warning message to the associated email address.
This is the reason because you need it. Because when the warning message arrives (It will be immediately when the new device is detected), you must delete it to avoid to leave traces from your access and to be discovered by the owner.

3 .- The price for both passwords (Facebook + Email) is 300 DOLLARS (USD).
a. If the Facebook’s associated email is corporative (@corporative.com) then the price is 350 dollars.
b. If you order more than one account, you will get a discount of 10%.

4 .- If you order more than one account, you must pay all at once. If you want to order more than one, but pay one by one, you must order in this same way, and you can't apply for the discount above.

5 .- Payment must be sent through Bitcoin or Ethereum.
- no other payment method. Please understand and don't insist.

6 .- Both passwords will be the original the same that are being used right now. Nothing will be changed.
a. Our service is 100% safe and discreet, and the real owner will never suspect anything. Effectiveness is also 100%. There is no option to fail.

7 .- We will delay from 12 to 24 hours to get both passwords, depending of the queued orders before yours.
a. There is available an Express Service with an extra cost of 30 dollars. It will grant you priority over other orders and reduce the waiting time to the half.

8 .- We accept intermediaries. It means that if you want to be an intermediary between us and another person, it is possible; however, you must understand that our treat is with you, and even if you are just an intermediary, you are the only responsible to fulfill all Rules and Procedures, and to pay for our service.
If you don't want to be absolutely responsible, just don't accept to be intermediary.

9 .- Once you place an order, we don't accept any modification or cancellation. If you are not sure about our service, DO NOT order anything yet.
a. Be carefully at the moment to send us the target account. If you send an incorrect account, you must also pay, because the mistake will have been yours.

10 .- By hiring our service you will get a free 30-days warranty. It means that if the password is changed in that time frame since the moment you receive it, we will get it again for free.
a. If you want, it is possible extend the warranty time for 10 dollars per each 30 extra days.

11 .- Our Rules and Procedures are not flexible If you want to place an order with us, you must accept all without modify, add, or remove anything.
a. Remember that you are not committed with us yet, but if you place an order, we will have a contract, and you must fulfill it mandatorily.
b. Not to read or misunderstand the rules is not justification for not fulfill them.


Have you read our Rules and Procedures? Do you accept it at all? If yes, you can do this as follows:

  • By sending a message to our email address which is: [email protected] and telling us you have read the Rules and Procedures through our website and also sending the target email address.